图1 |BMC植物生物学


从:大麦对光谱质量的发育反应中的遗传多样性(Hordeum VulgareL.)


不同照明处理下不同发育阶段的持续时间。金属卤化物(M),荧光10天,然后转移到金属卤化物(FM);在金属卤化物中荧光(F)和10天,然后转移到荧光(MF)灯泡。平均每种品种的11种和4个重复(n = 44), and standard deviation are represented as numbers in each phase. DEV31, first node appearance; DEV31–30, days from first node appearance to the onset of stem elongation; DEV30–37, days from the onset of stem elongation to the appearance of the flag leaf; DEV37–39, days to complete expansion of the flag leaf; DEV39-DEV49, days from the completion of the flag leaf to awns appearance; DEV49-ZDSE, days from awns appearance to the end of stem elongation
