
表2叶绿素一种和叶绿素B.Oakleaf莴苣幼苗的含量取决于工程纳米颗粒(纳米金属; M-NP)施用于不同浓度的叶片作为含水胶体溶液。用去离子水喷涂对照植物


M-NPS和浓度 叶绿素一种(mg g.- 1FW) 叶绿素B.(mg g.- 1FW)
AG 20 ppm. 0.274±0.007 * 0.105±0.008
AG 40 ppm. 0.283±0.020 * 0.106±0.009
Au. 10 ppm. 0.256±0.010 0.102±0.007
Au. 20 ppm. 0.269±0.046. 0.107±0.014
Pt. 20 ppm. 0.267±0.015 0.100±0.002
Pt. 40 ppm. 0.247±0.017 0.107±0.020
控制 0.243±0.007 0.094±0.007
  1. *表示显着差异(P. ≤ 0.05) between particular nanometal and unexposed control, means for concentration of given nanometal with no letters are not significantly different atP. ≤ 0.05, comparisons were performed by Fisher’s LSD test. Each value represents the mean ± SD