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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From:Under fire-simultaneous volatilome and transcriptome analysis unravels fine-scale responses of tansy chemotypes to dual herbivore attack

Fig. 2

Heatmap showing changes in concentration of VOCs measured using the hexane extraction method after each treatment. Each point in the heatmap represents the averaged data from three biological replicates (n = 3 for each treatment) and two technical replicates. N: no aphid, no caterpillar, leaf material harvested on day 4; A: aphid, no caterpillar, leaf material harvested on day 7; C: no aphid, caterpillar, leaf material harvested on day 4; B: both aphid and caterpillar, leaf material harvested on day 7. The VOC concentrations for the heatmap are listed in supplemental Table S2. *Plant 3 was used for transcriptome analysis. MT: monoterpene, MT-acetate: monoterpene acetate, O-MT: oxygenated monoterpene, SQT: sesquiterpene, O-SQT: oxygenated sesquiterpene, SQT-lactone: sesquiterpene lactone

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