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Fig. 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 6

From:Characterization and fine mapping of a new dwarf mutant inBrassica napus

Fig. 6

Fine mapping ofBND2.aTheBND2locus was primary mapped into the interval flanked by the markers ID1530 and ID1656. Numbers below each marker is the number of recombinants.bTheBND2locus was finally mapped to a 140-Kb flanked by SNP1562 and ID1576.cRelative physical position of theBND2locus. Numbers above chromosome A08 indicate physical distance (unit: Mb). The region contains 27 annotated genes according to the ‘Darmor-bzh’ reference genome. The candidate gene,BnaA08g20960Dis marked in red.dStructure of theBnaA08g20960Dgene, a single nucleotide substitution (C-T) betweenbnd2and its wild type parent 2B was identified in the fifth intron. Exons and introns were represented as black boxes or black lines, respectively

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