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Table 3 Candidate QTL identified through the IBS mapping. Only QTL with –log10(P) values above the Bonferroni significance threshold are shown, which was estimated using population haplotype number. The chromosome the QTL was found on (Chr) and MAGIC genetic linkage map position (Pos) are shown for each QTL hit. The SNP effect represents the fixed effect from each IBS model fitted using lme4 in R [34]. ThePvalues were also adjusted using a false discovery rate (FDR) adjustment for total test number

From:Genetic control of iron bioavailability is independent from iron concentration in a diverse winter wheat mapping population

Year Marker Chr Pos
FDR adjustedP Bonf. threshold -log10(P) SNP effect
Fe concentration
1 wsnp_Ex_rep_c67543_66165372 2B 220.7 0.1 3.68 3.95 1.14
1 BS00032035_51 5D 181.1 0.06 3.68 4.55 1.11
1 Ra_c73292_443 5B 91.3 0.21 3.68 3.79 -0.36
2 Excalibur_rep_c110303_320 2 A 18 0.26 3.68 3.71 -1.09