图1 | BMC Plant Biology


来自:Brachypodium distachyon:一个研究赤霉病和其他病害的新系统镰刀菌素疾病的小麦


枯萎病的症状和对Bd刺穗的渗透部位.a)定点接种的小麦穗上出现典型的FHB早期症状。b)定点接种小麦穗上典型的FHB晚期症状,出现白化现象。c - e) FgUK1喷雾接种症状分别为3、7和14 dpi。f和g) FgUK1点接种,相同穗分别为2和4 dpi。h)保持高湿度的喷雾接种后FgUK1症状。比例尺a-h = 1厘米。i-p)光镜下分离的Bd21小花,3dpi, Fg,清除,苯胺蓝染色。i)引理的外表面显示在粗毛上的菌丝接触(箭头)。J和k)是在不同焦平面上拍摄的照片i)的特写。 j) shows hyphal strands enveloping the macro-hair and k) shows a globose fungal structure formed at the base of the macro-hair (bmh). l) Internal surface of the palea showing hyphal colonization, necrosis and accumulation of phenolic compounds in corrugated circular cells (arrow). m & n) Macro-hair base of lemma at early stage of fungal colonization showing aggregated hyphal structure, n) Macro-hair base of lemma at late stage of fungal colonization showing extensive hyphal strands enveloping the base of the macro-hair, intense phenolic compound accumulation and collapse of the macro-hair. o-p) External surface of the palea showing the base of a macro-hair and neighbouring corrugated circular cell (arrow head) accumulating phenolic compounds (o) in response to hyphal contact (p), Upper arrow points at globose structure located above the corrugated circular cell and lower arrow pointing at hyphal strands in contact with the base of the macro-hair. Scale bars i-p = 20 μm.
