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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From:Auxin mediates the touch-induced mechanical stimulation of adventitious root formation under windy conditions inBrachypodium distachyon

Fig. 2

Induction of AR formation by wind stimulation. Three-week-old plants were either exposed to a unidirectional wind flow or grown under mock conditions (no wind) for 10 days prior to analyzing AR emergence.aAR emergence. ARs formed in the soil-grown plants and their enlarged views were displayed (left photographs). White arrows indicate ARs. Leaf node roots formed on the tillers were counted as ARs. Three independent experiments, each consisting of 16 plants, were statistically analyzed (t-test, *P < 0.01) (right graph). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (SE).bWind response of plants with or without ARs. Visible ARs of the unidirectional wind-treated plants were either retained (no cut) or cut out, and the plants were exposed to wind stimulation (left photographs). The angles of lodged tillers were statistically analyzed (right graph,n =20). Different letters represent a significant difference (P < 0.01) determined by the Tukey’s HSD test

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