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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From:Auxin mediates the touch-induced mechanical stimulation of adventitious root formation under windy conditions inBrachypodium distachyon

Fig. 7

Induction ofWOXandLBDgenes by wind-mediated mechanical stimulation. Following stimulation by wind and artificial falling down, the first leaf nodes and their internodes were harvested for total RNA extraction, and transcript levels were analyzed by RT-qPCR. Biological triplicates, each consisting of 15 plants, were statistically analyzed (t-test, *P < 0.01). Error bars indicate SE.a, bTranscription ofWOXandLBDgenes. Three-week-old plants grown in soil were exposed to either a constant wind flow (a) or artificially fallen down (b) for 6 h.c, dTranscription of ethylene response genes. The plants treated with either wind flow (c) or falling down (d) for 6 h were used.eSchematic model of auxin-mediated AR formation under wind-induced lodging stress conditions. In response to wind flow, plants falls down, imposing a mechanical stimuli on the leaf nodes. The mechanical stimulation would induce the auxin-dependent expression ofWOXandLBDgenes. We propose that the WOX/LBD-mediated auxin signals trigger the initiation and development of ARs, leading to plant adaptation to lodging stress

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