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Table 2 Overview of the transcriptome sequencing dataset and quality check

From:RETRACTED ARTICLE: Contribution of anthocyanin pathways to fruit flesh coloration in pitayas

Samples Raw data (bp) Clean data (bp) Q30 (%) N (%) GC (%)
DH-1 7,313,628,900 7,275,654,049 91.93% 0.00% 51.18%
DH-2 8,471,004,900 8,434,243,349 91.53% 0.00% 51.14%
DH-3 7,895,180,700 7,860,911,481 91.77% 0.00% 51.29%
FR-1 8,714,710,800 8,673,510,516 91.81% 0.00% 51.60%
FR-2 11,753,924,700 11,695,962,338 93.75% 0.00% 51.88%
FR-3 11,898,625,500 11,848,132,870 92.70% 0.00% 51.92%
BR-1 12,352,945,500 12,285,577,982 92.55% 0.00% 49.29%
BR-2 8,355,256,800 8,300,684,267 93.37% 0.00% 50.11%
BR-3 8,942,012,100 8,797,612,590 92.68% 0.00% 50.88%