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Table 1 Metabolic pathways enriched by significantly different metabolites (GC-MS)

From:A source-sink model explains the difference in the metabolic mechanism of mechanical damage to young and senescing leaves inCatharanthus roseus

KEGG P-value Enriched by significantly
different metabolites
VIP Change
Galactose metabolism 1.91E-04** 果糖 1.44 CK > WUL > WLL
Galactitol 1.03 WUL > CK > WLL
Glycerol 1.73 CK > WUL > WLL
Fatty acid biosynthesis 8.71E-03** Tetradecanoic acid 1.27 CK > WLL > WUL
Octadecanoic acid 1.76 CK > WLL > WUL
  1. P-value, Significantly *P < 0.05, Extremely significantly **P < 0.01;VIPvariable importance in the projection,CKControl group,WULdamaged upper leaf group,WLLdamaged lower leaf group